How to Create a Garden out of Nowhere in Your Home

Yes. You read that right. No, we definitely do not mean you are going to cast a few magical spells and whoosh! You have a garden! The idea is no less than magic, though.

Maybe you love gardening, or at least the prospect of it. Perhaps you’d love to have a garden of your own, where you know all plants and flowers by their names and their season. Perchance you wish to relish that feel among the greens with butterflies and ladybirds for company. Only what you don’t have is a space for that. No backyard. No front yard. Is that you? Read on, then.

1. Old is Gold!

You must be definitely having those old jam and jelly jars at home, which you no longer need. Or there might be cups which you would want to replace with new ones. Well, start collecting. Jars, cups, bottles – anything that can act as a container. Why? You can brilliantly use them as little gardens for your rosemary and oregano. These little antiques could act as a little kitchen garden for you. Place them on racks, on table tops, on window sills – a matter of choice.

Plantation in Old Jam Bottles and Jelly bars

You would have to be careful in their handling and not allow kids harm them with their destructive powers. A well-maintained miniature kitchen garden feels like heaven, we assure you. All your love for gardening, all your leisurely efforts combined and compressed into these little delights are a remarkable retreat.

Little Garden in Antique Tea cups

2. Good Old Pots

Yes, they never go out of trend. So what if you do not have a backyard to create those green scenic pleasures. You could use pots – of all sizes and shapes – indoors as well as outdoors. That is to say, you could have pots in your living room, and you could have them on terraces. They could be planted with blossoms, veggies, fruits, cacti; anything and everything you desire. Pots don’t complain.

Growing Plants in small and big pots

3. Racks

You could go really creative with this one. Racks don’t take much space and time. They are easy to install and maintain, and give lovely results. You could adorn your living room with flower racks, or your balcony with racks bearing climbers. They could even furnish your bedroom and bathroom – lending an organic beauty to both. Interior landscaping has found a new definition; and gardening too.

Growing Pants in Vertical Racks

4. Balconies

Balconies were NEVER made for hanging clothes and dumping stuff. They are not meant for stacking old newspapers and disposing old rugs. Neither are they meant to shut you inside. They are meant to be open, airy, fresh, and most probably green.

Revamping your balcony with a mini-garden requires a bit of thought, and a little hard work; but the end product is sure to make you abandon other spaces of your house for your balcony. Pots, hanging plants, trellises, climbers, decks, artificial grass, gravel, a few seats and you; completes the picture.

Garden in Balcony area

5. Terrace Garden

Garden in terrace Area

With this option, you could either choose to be extremely lavish in material, components and form, or you could choose the minimal way out. Both work, depending on aesthetics and function.

Terrace gardens are very convenient if you wish to recreate a full-fledged garden; only this time atop your house. Decks and patios, pools and cascades, stepped and plain, pots and grass cover – terrace gardens come in a wide array of choices.

The space could be relevantly used for parties or other occasions, for spending evenings watering the little plants, for spending cosy cheerful mornings on the terrace for exercising in a fresh ambience – the virtues are manifold.

Not just that; terrace gardens also help improve sustainability and reduce the heating up of buildings in summers, which would have caused larger bills.

Peebles, Greenery and Pathways in terrace

– Sakshi Singh

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