In today’s world, we often forget to stop and take a look at what we’re leaving behind in the race of coming up with the best products. Be it a machine, a tool or even a building. There are a certain basics of The Supply Chain that we need to understand before going to the depths of the issue – the production and acquiring of raw materials, manufacturing and distributing. To manufacture any product, we need raw materials. These raw materials are then processed and made into goods by a manufacturer, followed by it’s sale in the market.
Don’t you feel we missed something in the above basics of the supply chain?
Yes, the wastage!
Waste generation is a highly neglected issue in this. We all know, the entire raw material acquired for the manufacturing cannot be used in making the end-products. What kind of waste is generated and where does all this go, ever wondered?
Construction industries in the recent times have grown tremendously. Increase in population and industrialization, the technology available today and requirement of new infrastructure has contributed towards the growth of the construction industry. Also, the building construction industry is one of highest generator of waste in the world. Building construction can generate huge wastes such as timber, cement, concrete, metals, plastic, glass and so much more! Some of these are highly hazardous to health. The waste could be generated during construction or by demolition of buildings.

What do we do with the colossal amount of waste generated? Can it be reused or can something useful be made out of it?
It has become almost mandatory to design buildings that are environmentally-responsible along with some innovation. Architects and Engineers are on the run to make this happen. Innovations and advancement in the building technology has enabled us to move towards a greener tomorrow.
Let’s look at 5 innovative ways to use scrap metal that can transform mundane interiors into a really attractive and focus-drawing spaces!

1. Make artwork of the waste
Recycled metal art look extremely trendy and give a rustic look to the interiors. Picture frames, sculptures and various other artworks can really work wonder. One can get readily available artworks from artists that produce such pieces or can design and get one made in a local workshop!

2. Create Unique Lighting Fixtures
Scrap metal lighting fixtures can not only light up a space but can also become sculptural elements in that space and draw attention. Floor mount lamps, wall mount lamps, table lamps are just a few to name. Lighting fixtures made of scrap metal are brilliant interior design elements one can use.

3. Furniture built out of Scrap
Scrap metal can be used in innumerable ways. Not only for aesthetics but also as something functional such as furniture. Innumerable variations and innovations could be done with metal to make furniture. Different patterns, shapes, colours and other details could be worked out to create a piece that could really stand out while being functional!

4. Railings created using Scrap Steel
Metal railings can be simple exceptionally attractive to look at. Various patterns and designs can be worked out with metals and it could be as simple as using structural steel rods which are available easily everywhere. They got great strength too!

5. Screens Out of Scraps
Scrap metal sheets make great screens. They could be used as partitions, grilles and for so many other functions. Laser cutting techniques can transform a plain metal sheet into a beautiful functional artwork. These screens not only provide privacy but also provide great plays of light and shadow

Metal is one of the construction and demolition wastes which can be obtained and transformed into masterpieces with not much spillage from the pockets. There are many other materials too, which can be used to do the same. And looking at the current scenario of construction waste and it’s consequences we should definitely consider constructing and beautifying our buildings with recycled materials.
Keep in mind these 3-R s before beginning construction – Reuse, Recycle and Rebuild. These R s will remind of the responsibility that we have towards a greener tomorrow
– Yashaswini Poddar