Beautiful Entrance Arch Designs for a House

The most beautiful and appealing discovery in the history of Architectural  Design are the Arches that are now used more for aesthetical beauty with solving the primary function of supporting the long span openings.

There are innumerable types of arches existing with continuous innovation taking place. From the Gate way of India to the entrances & window openings of the present modernist Indian houses, Arches have influenced on every style of design of spaces & elevations of the buildings.

Read further to know about different types of arches, the beauty of their existence in Indian houses, and what materials are used for the execution of this form of beauty.

Types of Arches Used in Building construction

Various Types of Arches Used in House Construction

Every types of arch were discovered with innovation and time. Starting with the semicircular arch, also known as the rounded arch where dating back to history, it was used to support long spans that cater the open spaces. These Arches were placed side by side to form an arcade.

Pointed Arches were used more often than the circular one, as the arch action produces less thrust at the base. This innovation allowed for taller and more closely spaced openings, typical of Gothic architecture.

The parabolic arch employs the principle that when weight is uniformly applied to an arch, the internal compression resulting from that weight will follow a parabolic profile. Of all arch types, the parabolic arch produces the most thrust at the base, but can span the largest areas. It is commonly used in bridge design, where long spans are needed.

The above was the basic knowledge related to Arches, which has solves the problem of years of stylistic searching with solving the problem of achieving long spans and strength. From the basic function towards the place of use like opening and mainly for entrances in Indian houses, Read further to witness the reality of beauty.

Various Places Arches are Used in a House

1. The Grand Entrance

Yes! Arch is the symbol of grandness. Rather than just a 2d ornamentation, you can make it an experience of walking through the Arch to reach the ultimate destination i.e. your house in a grand and Ar(t)chful way. The above image is a great example of how the colour white adds on to the grandness, making it a infinite space under an Three centered arch.

2. The Archanopy

The entrance that makes your house standout and noticeable is at the top of the to-do list when you design your house. The search of ideas ends when you come across and give space to the Arch. As we saw how an arch provides you with the grandness the same way it provides you with a transition space in the form of canopy between the outside and inside.

Arches help in achieving long spans too. However, Can you guess the arch in the Image? Yes! It is the Segmental Arch.

Types of Arches Used in Building construction

3. A walkthrough Semi Circular Arch

The most beautiful and soothing in the world of arches. It complements your house with the minimalistic approach. Dim lights wooden finishes adds on to the soothing effect making an interesting entrance to the house from the exterior as well as the interiors. Creating a space full of feels.

A walk thorugh semi circular arch

4. The glazing arch

It is not necessary to fill up the void of the opening through the arch. Even one can have a rectangle door to it rather than projecting the same curve of the Arch.

Similarly, the benefit of the Arch with glazing is that it allows entering of natural light into the space, illuminating the space and connecting it more to the outside world. When you club a beautiful form of Arch with natural light, truly it creates wonders.

The Glazing Arch

Materials and How to Build Arches

Multiple elements come together and form an arch. Where, the most important one is the Keystone and makes the arch intact and makes it stand. The construction of Arch involves a basic knowledge of binding the material together and adding a keystone to make it intact.

Typical Arch detailing

The materials used to make Arches are:

1. Stone Arch

Stones are dressed and placed next to each other so that it fits properly finish the loop with the key stone.

2. Wooden Arch

Logs or Battens of wood are used to achieve the form with wooden joineries to make it strong and free standing.

3. Concrete Arch

Concrete Blocks reinforced with steel or a shuttering is prepared in the desired form where you lay the reinforcement steel bars and later on do the concrete filling.

4. Metal Arch

Steel or metal section are welded together to achieve a metal arch.

Typical Arch Detailing

The above was the information on the types of arches and how beautifully it can be executed with the use of following material. Arches are with us from centuries, When they were built to celebrate victory, to now when they are used at homes for the self-aesthetic beauty.

A perfect example where the need ( to make long spans stand ) meets beauty. Somewhere, these arches support the biggest domes ( Gol Gumbaz ) somewhere they are enhancing the elevation and beauty of the structure ( Taj Mahal ).

They can be found on the façade of the world wonders and now even on the entrances of your house to take it onto a new level of design and aesthetic efficiency.

– Ovais Bhati

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