
Design Criteria to satisfy for green building certification

Design Criteria for Getting a Green Building Certification

Nowadays, more and more people are becoming aware of the harmful effects the buildings are causing to the environment. Even though green buildings have gained popularity in recent years, the concept of the sustainable designs that green buildings follow go back to the 1960s and 1970s. The green building movement first originated in the U.S. …

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Green Building Certification for Residential Buildings

Green Building Certification for Residential Projects

Modernization pushed people towards exhausting our natural resources and exploiting the environment. Of course, this applied to buildings as well. The more the cities developed the more harm they caused to our environment. Buildings have extensive indirect and direct impacts on the environment. During their construction, buildings use energy and raw materials, generate waste, and …

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sustainablebuilding material used for construction

Construction Materials For Green Certification in India

Green Building is about making the optimum use of resources throughout the timeline of building construction, with energy-efficient actions and designs. With numerous benefits from certifications to economic considerations, technology today encourages people to use more eco-friendly materials and local construction techniques with better performance and durability. Selecting the appropriate materials according to the geographical …

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What is a setback

Setbacks for Residential Buildings – Significance and Design Implications

What is a Setback? Set back is a dedicated space/margin between the superstructure/ building and the road/street or neighbouring plots on all sides. It is provided to maintain environmental security, privacy and safety. Every state government has building policies, which are regulated by local government bodies. There should be no permanent structure in setbacks that …

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