Comparison of AAC Blocks vs CLC blocks vs Red Clay Bricks

Comparison of AAC vs CLC block vs Red Clay Bricks on various Parameters

S.NoParameterAAC BlocksRed Clay BricksCLC Blocks
1Raw MaterialsCement, fly ash, water and Air entraining agentsLocally avaiable clayCement, lime, specially grinded sand, foam
2Size400-600mm X 200mm X 150mm – 300mm225mm X 75mm X 100/150mm400-600 x 200 x 100/150/200 mm
3Size Variation1.5 mm (+/-)5 mm (+/-)5 mm (+/-)
4Compressive Strength (As per IS codes)3-4 N/mm23.5 N/mm22 -2.5 kg/cm2
5Dry Density (As per IS codes)550-650 kg/m3 Its one-third of the weight of clay brick which makes it easy to lift and transport1800 kg/m3800 kg/m3
6Cost BenefitFor high rise buildings there will be reduction of Dead weight which leads to saving in Concrete and steel quantities.As easily available in local market hence it is beneficiary for low rise structure.For high rise buildings there will be reduction of Dead weight which leads to saving in Concrete and steel quantities.
7Fire Resistance (8″ Wall)Upto 4 HoursAround 2 HoursAround 4 Hours
8Quality of End ProductFactory made product. So the quality of end product is consistent and goodLocally made product. Quality depends on various parameters like quality of raw materials used, process of manufacture etc.,The quality of the end product depends on the foam used and degree of quality control
9Sound InsulationBetter Sound absoprtion/insulation as compared to bricksNormalBetter Sound absoprtion/insulation as compared to bricks
10Energy SavingLow thermal conductivity (0.24 Kw-M/C) helps in saving electricity costs 30% for heating and cooling of houseHigh thermal Conductivity (0.81 Kw-M/C). So no significant cost savingsLow thermal conductivity (0.32 Kw-M/C) helps in saving electricity costs 30% for heating and cooling of house
11Environmental FriendlinessIn AAC Block there is no top soil consumption and it emits very low Carbon dioxide as compare to Red clay bricks while manufacturingOne sq ft of carpet area with clay brick walling will consume 25.5 kg of top soil (approx). It actually damages environmentIn CLC Block there is no top soil consumption and it emits very low Carbon dioxide as compare to Red clay bricks while manufacturing.
12Internal and External PlasterAs these bricks have dimensional accuracy, the internal and extenal plaster thickness can be reducedRequires thick plaster surface as there are variations in the dimensionsAs these bricks have dimensional accuracy, the internal and extenal plaster thickness can be reduced
13Cost of Construction1 Cum costs – Rs. 4200/-1 Cum costs – Rs. 2440/-1 Cum costs – Rs. 4000/-
14Joining ProcessChemical mortars can be used for joining the brick. This reduces the material consumption fo cement and also avoids curing processTraditional mortar needs to be used and the brick work should be cured atleast for 7 days before plasteringChemical mortars can be used for joining the brick. This reduces the material consumption of cement and also avoids curing process.
15AvailabilityFactory setup cost is high.Not many factories, so availability is a concern.Available locally in all cities and villages.Factory setup cost is low as compared to AAC. Also takes long time to produce if steam curing is not used.Timely availability is a concern.
16Thermal InsulatorAAC Blocks are very good thermal insulator if cooling is an major component of any building monthly expenses it will save cost for entire lifetimeIt have low thermal insulation as compare to AAC and CLC BlockCLC Blocks are very good thermal insulator if cooling is an major component of any building monthly expenses it will save cost for entire lifetime
17Tax ContributionContributes to Government taxes in form of Central,Excise,VAT and octroiNo Tax ContributionContributes to Government taxes in form of Central,Excise,VAT and octroi
18Cylindrical StructuresFor Cylindrical structure these blocks are not much usefulCylindrical manholes or sewage chambers need small size of bricks so that the curvature can be formed hence Red clay bricks are usefulFor Cylindrical structure these blocks are not much useful
19Water AbsorptionAbsorb 12- 15% by total volume of AAC blocksAbsorb 17 -20% by total volume of red clay brickAbsorb 12-15% of water by total volume of Block
20Range of ApplicationThey are suitable for Non load bearing or RCC structure in partition wallThey are useful in both load bearing and non load bearing structureThey are suitable for Non load bearing or RCC structure in partition wall

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