Creating Green Spaces in your Flat

21st century has witnessed this drastic change, where we totally switched over to concrete flats in the clogged up city. It’s not like we chose this kind of living but we’re somehow stuck with it now. We’d love to switch any day to a peaceful farmland. Fresh air can do wonders at times. But until we are caged up here, it awakens the nature enthusiast in you to have your living space undergo a green revolution. Green spaces are remedial, it is proven to have both psychological and physical impact on our lives and day to day activities
Here are a few ideas to add in a few green element into your concrete nests.

  1. Your Balcony

Your balcony is a space with enough light and ventilation, making it easier for plants to thrive. Instead of throwing in all your junk into your balcony, you could create a mini garden. Adding in a lot of plants along with your coffee table and easy chairs makes it a place you’d want to spend most of your time on. With glazed doors you could make your balcony visible to other parts of your home, which will make them look like a ‘functional green décor’.

Balcony Green Space

Creepers do wonders, especially floral ones transform your little balcony into a tiny canopy. You could get your balconies railings and grills done according to the way you want to arrange your creepers around it. With the addition of proper lights for the night you would have the best balcony in town.

Balcony Green Space 1

  1. Vertical indoor garden.

Vertical gardens are trending and are a viable alternative to consider. With these on your walls, they won’t seem lifeless anymore, they will entirely transform your dull home into a much lively space. They do not take up horizontal space making it easier for smaller homes. They enhances the aesthetics of the wall. You could fill up an entire wall with plants of your choice or you could choose a small portion to do so.
When you include indoor vertical garden in tiny bits, they sum up to look like lively murals. With right choice of wall paint and plants for the vertical garden you could change the entire view of your home



When you include indoor vertical garden in tiny bits, they sum up to look like lively murals. With right choice of wall paint and plants for the vertical garden you could change the entire view of your home

  1. Green spaces in your furniture.

The next time you’re buying a piece of furniture, make sure you have a space for some plantations. You could have a coffee table or even a dining table with space for your garden.



Mats made of moss.

  1. Green spaces as décor.

You could depend entirely on your plantations for decorating your home, with proper placement of the plants you could have a well decorated green house. You can have them anywhere, from walls to window sills, and they’ll never cease to amaze.
You could arrange for an herb garden in your kitchen, which will act like a green space for both décor and functional purpose.

Green Space in your flat

  1. Terrariums

Succulents are easier to maintain and requires very less attentions, but they never fail to be the eye candy when you place it on window sills or living rooms. Terrariums are trending, you could have a set of them on the corner of your room or you could even create a hanging garden out of this. You don’t have to water them regularly making it a better option to suit your busy lifestyle.



  1. Go freestyling!

You can have your garden done anywhere! Seriously, you could have them in your kitchen, your living room, or even in your bathrooms! Green spaces can bring life to any lifeless corner of your home.


You could also use your old chairs, table or even cupboards to create interesting décor. You could do quite a bit of cost cutting using this hack!



-By Anushree Bhattacharjee

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