Fibre Cement – an Alternative to Natural Wood

House elevations do not always have to be monotonous and similar. The exteriors of any house can be played with just as the interiors. Exterior house can be given an interesting twist with the use of elements like pointing, textures, siding, cladding and so on.

Fiber board used as wall cladding on door front

When it comes to siding, there are a wide range of options available, such as Natural Wood,MDF, ACP,Cement Fiber Board,Acrylic ,HDF, Particle Board and PVC Foam Boards.  Of these, wood has generally been considered as the most favorable material. In the recent times, however, with developments, experiments and creative applications, there has soon emerged a new alternative to this, with the same and in some cases, even better appearance – Fiber Cement board and other latest generation engineered materials.

Fiber board claddding on exterior walls of house

1. Fibre Cement Used as Wood Siding

As mentioned before, wood is considered as a characteristic option when it comes to siding. Shingles and clapboards are just two of the varieties. Several types of wood such as those of pine, spruce and cedar trees are used for siding purposes.

Wooden Sliding used to enhance house exteriors

Wood siding has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Wood Sliding is long lasting if properly maintained, and might even end up all good for some decades.
  • It is highly cost-effective, if the installation and higher grades are not considered.
  • Wood siding can be modified to take up custom sizes and arrangements, colours and designs, to provide creative solutions for external surfaces.
Wooden Panel Cladding on the front side of the building

Fibre Cement Board Siding

Fibre cement is an innovation in the field of construction materials, which is manufactured from wood fibre, cement, sand and clay. The only drawback of Fibre Cement Board Siding is the upfront cost and skills required for installation.

Fibre Cement Board Siding

Apart from this, fibre cement can be designed to look exactly like wood siding on exterior walls, along with a bunch of advantages to its credit.

  • Fibre Cement Board Siding is a fire-resistant material, unlike wood, which is highly prone to fire destruction.
  • The material is also resistant to damage by UV radiations, fungus, termites and insects, which highly reduces cumbersome maintenance.
  • Fibre Cement Boards are a sustainable alternative to wood siding, because they are produced from the waste fibres obtained from wood.
Fiber Cement Panel Cladding

Fibre Cement Siding comes in an array of colours and can even be adorned with wallpapers to give a pleasant finish. The upfront costs that come with their installation can too be managed with time as maintenance is cheap.

Fibre Cement Siding has hence emerged as a cost effective and eco-friendly solution to the menace of substitution of wood panels when it comes to architectural design. Fibre Cement Siding is available in a variety of finishes too – and one could choose from glossy, painted and automobile finishes for their walls.

Fibre Cement Board Siding although looks appealing has upfront cost and skills required for installation

Veneers and Laminates can be added to the siding to lend it an appearance as desirable as natural wood, only with the mixed benefits of added strength and durability. Digital printing, or fixing by adhesives – the choice remains yours.

FCB, as it is abbreviated, is fast getting hold over the market. This is because it provides a chemical free environment that is great for the more health conscious hygienic populace of today.

Fibre Cement Board - a cost effective and eco-friendly solution

Fibre Cement boards are gaining huge popularity in interior design as well, especially in kitchens and partitions, where health is an important consideration.

Several top industries in the country as well as some imported ones are dealing with and promoting Fibre Cement Board Siding on an all new platform. Revolution seems on the way, doesn’t it?

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