Types of Rugs for your Various Needs

Be it covering up unattractive floors or adding some softness underfoot; be it contrasting the prevalent colour scheme of the spaces or touching up the ambience with the desired softness – rugs and carpets are an ideal solution for any part of your home. 

With the correct choice in terms of material, colour and texture, rugs and carpets can totally redefine the shape and atmosphere of indoor spaces. Even suited for semi-outdoor spaces, rugs and carpets are a huge trend these days and their use ranges from bedrooms to living rooms, bathrooms to kitchens.

Classification of rugs/Carpets Based on weaving Style

Carpets and rugs may be weaved in different styles, and this forms a chief basis of classifying them because of the difference that crops up in terms of texture and look.

Loop Pile Carpet

Loop Pile Carpets -patterned carpets with multi level loops

Loop Pile Carpets are those in which fibres are bent and looped to provide unique textures, resistance and durability. There is scope for different patterned products in the form of multi-level loops.

Cut Pile carpets

Cut Pile carpets - smoother finish, denser packing and softer texture

Cut Pile carpets are those in which are spun in yarns instead of looping them. They have a smoother finish, denser packing and softer texture.

Cut and loop Pile Carpets

cut and loop carpet

Yet another kind is the cut and loop carpet which is considered the best type for hiding marks and dirt.

cut and loop carpet-2

Classification of Carpets Based on Raw materials used

Let us proceed to classify carpets and rugs based on the kind of materials used and the type of texture each provides. Each type has a defined speciality of use, a zone where it is most preferred to be used in and some features which might help you decide whether to go for it or not in your homes.

Wool Rugs

Wool Rugs

Wool is an ideal choice for rugs for home interiors, not just because of their soft feel and textured appearance, but also because of its durability. Wool rugs are sturdy and not prone to getting damaged easily. 

Besides, they have great resistance towards staining and getting wet. Hence, don’t be afraid to place it in your living room or dining space. The feeling these rugs provide is very cosy underfoot. 

Wool rugs are no doubt good insulators and placing them on the floor in winters is a good idea for a warmer ambience.

Woolen Rugs - Soft and textured

The only thing you need to keep in mind is to avoid placing them near bathrooms or entrance doorways which tend to get damp, because wool rugs absorb moisture. 

Placing them outdoors, such as in patios and verandas is also not recommended because they tend to fade quickly under the effect of rain and sun.

natural rubber Rug Pads

Natural Rubber Rug Pads

Rug pads made of 100% natural rubber are highly expensive, and this is the reason why they aren’t very popular in Indian homes. Nevertheless, they are totally worth the high figures. Rug pads of rubber are very eco friendly. At the same time, they are highly suitable for rooms where you want to avoid slippery like in kid’s rooms. Also, you might want such rug pads for a cushioning effect on hard floors.

Cotton Rugs

Cotton Rugs in living room

Cotton rugs are an ideal choice if economy is an important concern for you. Cotton rugs are also low on maintenance because they are easy to clean. However, they are not suited for long term use because they might wear down on prolonged use. Flat weave rugs are essentially derived from cotton rugs and are quite a popular choice. These types of rugs are more suited for spaces where you anyway need to replace the rug and carpet after some span of time.

Synthetic Rugs

Synthetic rugs - made of nylon, propylene, synthetic latex and hybrid rubber

Synthetic rugs refer to rugs and carpets out of manmade materials like nylon, propylene, synthetic latex and hybrid rubber. They may not always be very attractive in terms of texture and look. These materials have been developed over time and have evolved on the basis of faults and needs identified by users and manufacturers alike. Synthetic fibres have always been developed on the lines of natural counterparts and in mimicking them they have outdone them in terms of several benefits and features.

Synthetic latex is a manmade alternative for natural rubber

Synthetic latex is a manmade alternative for natural rubber, only it is less costly and is entitled for short term use. One negative point is that synthetic latex is mixed often with clay fillers, which often makes them end up in a flaky appearance with prolonged use.

Hybrid Rubber Felt Pads

Hybrid Rubber Felt Pads are another variation of synthetic material for rugs

Hybrid Rubber Felt Pads are another variation of synthetic material for rugs, only they are too expensive for the common man. Nylon is one of the most popular in the synthetic varieties and is not just resistant to wear and tear but also to stains if treated with certain chemicals.

Acrylic Fibers

Living room coffee table Carpet Acrylic fibres Alfombras Tapete Carpets

Acrylic fibres are an ideal and economic replacement for wool rugs, only they aren’t as commonly available in the market. Besides these varieties there are also Olefin fibres which are which are resistant to a number of vices – dampness, fungus and mildew. This makes them highly suitable for semi-outdoor and damp spaces as well as entrance doorways.

 – Sourav Suman

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