Which Kitchen Layout will Best Fit your House?

Kitchen spaces are an important part of the house that kick-starts a day. Usual daily chores and activities like cooking, cleaning, eating, and socializing are essentials to consider for a kitchen design.

A kitchen can be more than food preparing space or a utility area. Do you wish your family will eat in the kitchen with a dine-in extension? Will there be countertops for serving or a dining table to serve? Is storage a major concern for your kitchen? Many such considerations are to be pondered upon.

Kitchen Design styles, layout, planning, and appliance organization are key points to consider while selecting your ideal kitchen layout. Kitchen spaces function according to the layout of the ‘WORKING TRIANGLE’.

Few of the different alternatives of kitchen layout have been discussed in an earlier article, namely:


Work Triangle and Work Zones

For a user-friendly Kitchen ideation, the appliances and work stations should distinctively placed at approachable yet distant spaces. An efficient kitchen design has transition or work dynamics and fluid approaches.

The effective ‘work triangle’ keeps the key appliances- fridge, stove/oven/hob and sink/dishwasher within handy reach, yet unobstructed from each other. This is efficient and eases access for storage, cooking, and washing as different activities.

Kitchen zones are divided according to activities of thermal activities. Hot zone defines the cooking and Stove area, cold zones depict the refrigerator and preparation area and the wet area is the sink and basin vicinity.

The ideal kitchen flanges in the layout are judged based on your need and activity pattern. Consider a household and a Buffet kitchen, the Cold zone in buffet kitchen would be much larger and multiple hot zone stations. Whereas, the wet zone in these huge setups may be located in a different location. And on the contrary, a household kitchen would have all in one layout in a single unit.

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