How to Install a Door Frame & Door

Step BY Step Procedure to Install Door Frame and Door Properly

  1. Check for the reference level as per construction drawing
  2. Position and location of opening & its size as per GFC drawing
  3. Size of door frame section as per drawing
  4. Size of door frame & door opening side as per drawing
  5. Check components for length – width – thickness correct.
  6. Check if the frame corners are square/Right angle.
  7. Door frame is in good conditions (no twist or bow of sill, top & bottom rails, free movement, bent, termite attack & cleaning etc).
  8. Frame joint flush and tight by knock-down system checked.
  9. Frame, Holdfast anchor position and number checked correct.
  10. Check horizontal level line level with matching line (marked onto the frame).
  11. Check vertical inclination line of frame with plumb line correct.
  12. Check diagonal shift line with plumb line correct
  13. Adequate wood wedges and strutting provided to hold the frame.
  14. Gaps between frame and wall adequately grouted with cement mortar. Putty has filled all the holes, gaps, depressions.
  15. Area barricaded during cement mortar setting.
  16. Ensure door face is on correct side as per drawing

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