How to Gear up for a Gym in Your Own Home

Are you a fitness freak who loves hitting the gym every morning? Are you someone who has taken to get rid of those extra pounds but doesn’t feel like driving up streets for the same? Are you into sports and need to stay fit in spite of all the incoming carbs? Registering in a gym, paying for a training there and driving up each day to reach for your workout can get really hectic, especially if you have a dozen of other chores to look after. So is dropping out of your fitness regimen the solution? Nope.

Get a gym at home.

Getting a Gym at Home

How? Leave that to us?

1. Why to Have gym At Home?

It doesn’t have to be as exquisite as the neighbourhood gymnasium, nor like the one at your college. At home, you need to focus only at what you need, and for what purpose. Maybe you are preparing a gym for your kids to exercise every morning.

In that case, consider equipments suited to a kid’s work out – those for hanging exercises to boost growth of muscles, wall hooks for placing skipping ropes and the like, and one or more baskets for storing mats, towels and cushions.

Things you need to have in a Home Gym

2. Equipment you need to have in Home Gym

If the gym is one for an adult who wishes to maintain a fit body, the number and type of equipments is greater. Treadmills are a must, so that the gym provides you with your routine running and brisk-walking exercise at home itself.

This is especially for diabetics (and anyone else who needs to burn out extra calories. Gym equipments for squatting, lifting weights, doing push-ups and sit-ups as well as punching bags are welcome – completely as per the wishes of the user. A few of the equipments you could use at home are –

  • Tread Mills
  • Gym Balls
  • Bench Press (the inclined ones too)
  • Dumb Bells
  • Kettle Bells
  • Foam Roller
Things you need to have in a Home Gym-1

3. Have a Well arranged Interior

The place where you begin your morning needs to be well-maintained and clutter free. The ambience of your exercise area should be one that speaks of cleanliness and good management.

We suggest having plenty of racks and shelves for storage of all the minor gym equipments, without compromising on style and modernity.

Gym mats could be rolled and placed on these racks, and gym balls could be placed appropriately on wider shelves. Usage of big baskets for storing these items is also a feasible idea – though they might take up some of the floor space if not placed within shelves or atop racks.

The rest of the floor area could be divided into portions for bigger machines like the tread mill, and portions of free space for exercising.

Well arranged Gym Interiors

4. Locations that You can Convert into Home gym

1. Use Your Kids Old Room

If you are parent to a grown up kid, who refuse to put up in his tiny old room, don’t decide on using that as store – no. You can refurbish that small room into your custom gym. Remove all the furniture and any unnecessary decor from the room.

Make sure you cover the floor with a proper mattress for your gym. If your kid’s room had wallpapers of his choice, you wouldn’t want that in your gym, for sure. Repaint the walls with solid tones, and introduce racks and shelves for your gym equipments.

Location for Gym - Using Kids Old Room

2. Use your garage

This is an amazing idea for those who can’t make enough space within their homes. You could put to use you old garage as a home gym area – the rectangular space is highly suited for this, and you have a huge entrance door for the purpose, which makes it all the more delightful. The number of equipment you can house here is more, and you could use large windows on the opposite walls to make the space more open and well-lit.

Using Garage as Home Gym

3. In your Garden Area

What if we suggest exercising in the midst of nature and getting the best of both worlds? Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? With the set-up of a gym in your garden, morning walks would mean the bliss of fresh air, and exercising would mean an idyllic bout with nature.

You could also go in for some improvisation – how about getting your gym into a solarium amidst your garden for a beautiful experience early morning every day? We have one word for it – refreshing.

Building Home Gym in Garden Area

4. Attics Converted into Gym

If you are someone who owns a an attic on the upper floors, which has not much use due to its space and height constraints, worry not – that could be your next gym. The space constraints don’t really matter if it is going to be a small personal space for every fitness regimen.

What’s more – the space could be customised to create a rustic feel for freshening up every day! Use soft floor mats, minimalistic equipments and colourful decor and you are good to go.

Converting Attics to your Gym

– Sakshi Singh

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