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Light colored roofs to reflect maximum sun light

Passive Cooling Techniques to Keep Buildings Cool in Summer

Now that the summer is around us, people will start switching on their environmentally hazardous air conditioners in homes. These energy-hungry air conditioners are the major contributors to climate change. Though we cannot deny the fact that they make it so much easier to spend our summers; we also cannot ignore the numerous disadvantages they

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What Is Foam Concrete and its Applications?

What is a Foam Concrete? Foam concrete is a type of concrete made with fine aggregates, foaming material, water, cement/fly ash. Natural or synthetic foaming agents are used to produce light weight foam concrete having low density. As there are no course aggregates, foam concrete ingredients form homogeneous mixture more than normal concrete. It is

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wallpaper behind bed in bedroom

Wallpaper Vs Texture Paint : Which one to Choose?

There is no better satisfaction than decorating your home. These days with so many decorations and interior options in the market we generally get confused that what will be better for our home from aesthetics to functionality and durability we have to make sure we invest our money with the best possible option. Having the

Wallpaper Vs Texture Paint : Which one to Choose? Read More »

What is a setback

What are Setbacks – Significance and Design Implications

What are Setbacks? Set back is a dedicated space/margin between the superstructure/ building and the road/street or neighbouring plots on all sides. It is provided to maintain environmental security, privacy and safety. Every state government has building policies, which are regulated by local government bodies. There should be no permanent structure in setbacks that discourage

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sustainablebuilding material used for construction

Ecofriendly Construction Materials for Green Building Certification

Green Building is about making the optimum use of resources throughout the timeline of building construction, with energy-efficient actions and designs. With numerous benefits from certifications to economic considerations, technology today encourages people to use more eco-friendly materials and local construction techniques with better performance and durability. Selecting the appropriate materials according to the geographical

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Loft space above bed designed as a personalized reading space

How to Create A Personalized Space In Your Home?

Every individual, despite their personality traits, requires a space designated for solitude, relaxation and unwinding. Many live in shared spaces craving for private nooks, where they could practice their hobbies, which are private like your bedroom, to pause the hustle-bustle. According to proxemics, the personal zone around a person is about 18 inches to 4

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shallow water and tree line area in setback area

How to Use Setback Space in Residential Buildings?

Margins around the house in a residential property is a pre-requisite of zoning the land. With many rules and regulations, people sometimes have the misconception that setbacks are a wastage of space; real estate is money, after all. But there are unique ways of using the extent which beautifies and utilizes these margins better. Margins

How to Use Setback Space in Residential Buildings? Read More »