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Distemper (OBD) Vs Emulsion Paints – Which One to Choose

Are you looking forward to change the color palette of your home? Feeling probably lost with all the varied available paint choices? Well, we can assure you that the choice of paint selection for your home decor does not confine it to shades and themes.  Selecting the right paint product for your home also defines

Distemper (OBD) Vs Emulsion Paints – Which One to Choose Read More »

Eco Bricks made out of sand cement and soil

Environmentally Friendly Bricks in Building Construction

As the world is expanding so is the construction, as population increases and so is the construction for livelihood. But do you know how much energy one building consumes in construction? It’s a lot. Then can you imagine how much energy would all these constructions around us would be taking on a regular basis. Well

Environmentally Friendly Bricks in Building Construction Read More »

Digital Elements of design projected onto the live frame through camera

How Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR / VR) will Shape Construction Projects

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said” ~ Peter Drucker. Designers and Presenters of the construction field have implemented the quote practically concerning their designs. The designs are communicated to the user in realtime even if they are not in any tactile phase. An astonishing range of technological advancements have achieved presenting/ experiencing something

How Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR / VR) will Shape Construction Projects Read More »

strip and cove lightings installed in kitchen and dining areas

Types of Interior Lighting Used in House Construction

Lightining was one important culture to follow in lavish hotels, or commercial spaces but today interior lightning in homes is as important as commercial. When doing the interiors interior designers put special attention to the lighting details throughout the home, even there are special lighting designers also for this purpose. Many people love lavish lighting

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